orangie is a complex way to eat an orange. it takes exactly 6 steps and and 4 items. you will need a shower, and orange, a wet paper towel and a freezer. the process is:
Step 1: wet the paper towel

Step 2: wrap the wet paper towel around the orange

Step 3: put the towel wrapped orange in the freezer and leave it there for EXACTLY 20 mins

Step 4: as soon as the 20 mins are up. Grab the orange and sprint to the shower and get in

Step 5: peel the orange and let the pieces fall to your feet

Step 6: Devour the f**king orange.
Person 1: Bro what did you do last night

Person 2: I committed Orangiee

Person 1: Bro that takes balls
by Orangie Godess May 19, 2019
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