(n.) the second largest city in the Earth Kingdom (second only to Ba Sing Se), one of the last great strongholds of the Earth Kingdom during the Hundred Year War.

(v.) to steal, usually in a manner that is very unexpected or surprisingly (often without fighting); to conquer, usually in a comedic manner. Note: the act of omashu-ing is often accidental and unintended by the do-er. This is often accompanied by lots of confusion, especially by the do-er, and potential laughter (most commonly in recollections of the fact and from outside viewers).

(Most often done by Zuko in MuffinLance's stories on ArchiveOfOurOwn.)
Zuko omashu-ed Omashu by challenging Aang to an Agni Kai-- upon his victory, the Fire Nation gained control of Omashu.
by ShadowAccio6181 October 23, 2019
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