Oberade is a beer mix consisting of a 50-50 mix of the beers Oberon (Bell's Brewery) and Soft Parade (Short's Brewery). Soft Parade is a fruity beer, and Oberon is a wheat bear, so Oberade has a mildly fruity taste, along with small amount of wheat taste. Oberade has a deceptively high alcohol content at 7.4% (Soft Parade 9%, Oberon 5.8%). Oberade is can generally be ordered at bars that serve both beers, especially if both beers are on tap.
"I ordered an Oberade here last week, and this week our server remembers what it is!"

"Do you think Oberade will ever be sold at the store?"

"Probably not, Oberon and Soft Parade are made by competing breweries."
by gooseman2009 August 18, 2013
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Oberade is a beer mix consisting of a 50-50 mix of the beers Oberon (Bell's Brewery) and Soft Parade (Short's Brewery). Oberade has a quite fruity taste, as the fruity flavors of the Soft Parade mix very well with the wheat beer, Oberon. This makes Oberade a very easy to drink beer mix. However, this mix has a deceptively high alcohol content at 7.4%. Oberade is easy to make at home and share with a friend, and can be easily ordered at bars that serve both beers, especially if both beers are on tap.
"I ordered an Oberade here last week, and this week our server remembers what it is!"

"Do you think Oberade will ever be sold at the store?"
"Probably not, Oberon and Soft Parade are made by competing breweries."
by gooseman2009 July 20, 2013
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