Obamacide is when a person who lost all hope, loses his job, loses his home, and goes on a rampage and kills himself and his family of strangers.
The guy that killed the 8 people in the Nursing.
The guy in Binghamton NY that kills 13
The guy in Pittsburgh that killed 3 cops.
The guy that killed his family in Washington.
The guy who killed his family in Cleveland.

All Obamacides.
by turnyourback April 5, 2009
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when you lose a whole bunch of money or a big deal goes down the tubes due to the #44 potus...
"man, i had it made...i had this big deal teed up all ready to go and it got obamacided. i was going to hire many employees but found out it was way too costly!"

The coal, oil, health care, power, and steel industries are about to be obamacided!
by badback9 November 7, 2008
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