'Orgh Orgh Orgh':

Used by a particular Emo-Fag, when finding himself in situations of pressure, indecisiveness and nervousness.

Commonly seen in conjunction with the 'repeated nod'. A quick succession of short, fast nods of the head in response to another.

Rob: "Orgh Orgh Orgh... I busted her"

Rob: "Orgh Orgh Orgh... she was checking me out"

Others: "Shut up faggot."
by Alfonse Riviera September 25, 2006
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Anematopia of the words "Oh fuck yes!" meaning the absolute satisfaction of a persons desires or expectations.
Also used as adjective to heighten excited mood.
1) Adam: Hey dude was the session at the skate park in woodward awesome?

Davo: Orgh Vargas!

2)Orgh vargas! that was a massive backflip 540!
by Adam denman June 29, 2006
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