or O.Q.Z..

Acronym standing for the defined meaning: Oi Qui Zut
Oi Qui Zut is French for "Oh who the hell". When/If/Wen match with the phrase Se Y Mour meaning "Die there", the newest analogy is OQZSM.
Oi Qui Zut Se Y Mour translates quitely to "Oh who the hell is dying".
Ohaaaam 'Ozh' YeGnos exclaimed the declaration of singularity under digression, saying "Oi Qui Zut I am"...
Looks up and states, '¡Arse, OQZ!'

I = is ; am = dying

(S ad cara inolvidable..
Unforgettable sad face ) -.-
by Oi Qui Zut July 1, 2022
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