The “send nudes” rule applies to the internet trend of sending someone elaborate pictures or videos with the hidden message of asking them to send you intimate photos of themselves.

The rule here is, if the person receiving the request for nudes is forced into enough laughter to not be offended by the request then that person must succumb to the request and send the requests nudes.
Brad: Hey Sarah, send nudes!

Sarah: Haha you’re so funny Brad!

Brad: According to the sends nudes rule you have to send me nudes now!

Sarah: Ok Brad, you earned them! *sends Brad nudes*
by Jeff Epstein November 25, 2019
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Sending nudes to someone who is 1000 miles or over that does not count as cheating
Jessica, it doesn't count because of the 1000 mile nude rule. Send the pic.
by themisfitsman May 23, 2019
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This rule applies when you send your homie a nude and then he must send a nude back so it isn’t gay
“I sent you a nude brad”
“Ok John I’ll Send one back due to the Nude rule
by Eggsarefromcows December 2, 2022
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