along with the great bhadashree raj, mu salahd is the greatest player to ever play the game of pro clubs football. he has a beautiful blue afro, and is fuckin massive. he is a sexy man
“Did you guys see Mu Salahd’s performance tonight?”
“Yeah he was amazing, as always”
by mu salahd February 23, 2021
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Mo Salah when he decides to ghost in a game and gets a lucky penalty or a tap in
You: “Damn did you see No Salahd in that game against Napoli
Your friend: “Yeah, he is worse than Penaldo
by CianfuckingStinks September 23, 2022
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Mo Salah when he decides to be fat and not do anything all game except maybe get a lucky penalty or tap-in
You:”Did you see No Salahds performance last night against Napoli
Your friend:”Yeah I know he was so shit , he is a penalty merchant and is worse than Penaldo.”
by CianfuckingStinks September 23, 2022
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