Nigga fart sex is when a nigga rubs their ass cheeks together in bed (basically backwards sex but with nigga's)
Hey nigga lets have nigga fart sex and rub our ass cheeks together
by Nigga that shall fart November 26, 2020
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where a nigga shits and farts while ejaculating on another nigga
Edwin: doodoo nigga fart sex me daddy Jadennn
Jaden: I have a piss kink so youll have to return the favor
by TheChumBucket? September 27, 2021
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When two people fart during sex, preferably loud and a long, wet fart.
Jimmbo: Yo, how was she?
Tyrone: Good, we did doodoo fart nigga sex.
Jimmbo: Really?
Tyrone: Yeah, we doodoo fart nigga sex'd.
by Crabics February 13, 2021
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