New Tab

To New Tab - v. The act of repeatedly opening a new browser tab then closing it, having decided against doing what one had originally planned. Most commonly used when one is tempted, either because one is trying to avoid being distracted from one's work, or because one is trying to avoid looking at spoilers.
Three hours until my girlfriend gets back from work and we can watch the series finale of LOST. I want to know what happens! I'm New Tabbing like crazy...
by brunch September 10, 2010
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New Tab

if type this it probably means you are in math class
he typed New Tab
by nightwingxz666 September 11, 2019
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New Tab

you are so bored out of your mind that you search new tab.
i hate isolation, so im going to search up new tab.
by ihaveabigjumperbutt August 20, 2020
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New Tab Syndrome

Also known as NTS, is defined by a situation in which you are trying to do an assignment but can't bring yourself to get any work done and thus regularly open a new tab to do literally anything else at intervals of less than five minutes.

This is generally ensued by a sad and lethargic state the following day, induced by the knowledge that your sacrifice of sleep to finish said work was pointless. Your chances of attaining high academic achievement flew out the window the moment you left home without printing the work you stayed up all night finishing.
Teacher: Michael, where is your assignment? You didn't hand it in this morning.
Victim: Sorry, I was suffering from severe New Tab Syndrome over the weekend... That is to say, my printer broke.
Teacher: (unimpressed)
by slicendice July 14, 2014
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New Tab

New Tab is very annoying when you look at your computer tags and see it. You think to yourself, "Why do I have a New Tab in the middle of all my other tabs?" And you think, "I'm going to close that New Tab." But you never do.

by Ghost*Writer September 10, 2022
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