Today is the day that you block Kosta Uzelac on snapchat for the rest of the day! It's quite a simple task. You can do it soldiers. This event takes place on December 2.
"Omg! Today is National Block Kosta Uzelac Day! You better go block him!"
by Shithead420666 December 2, 2019
Get the National Block Kosta Uzelac Day mug.
Today is the day that you block Kosta Uzelac on snapchat for the rest of the day! It's quite a simple task. You can do it soldiers.
"Omg! Today is National Block Kosta Uzelac Day! You better go block him!"
by Shithead420666 December 2, 2019
Get the National Block Kosta Uzelac Day mug.