Driven to madness by manletism and the naturally resulting Napoleon complex psychosis, the deranged manlet boy goes into a catatonic state and idly spends his ample free time, in between involuntary stints at acute psychiatric wards, by sitting motionlessly atop of open-air jungle gyms, as he mourns the blindingly obvious fact that he is forever a boy and will never be a man, while the other children pelt him with dried dog turds and stolen garden gnomes, by maniacally jumping up and down with manlet rage underneath outdoor basketball hoops while wearing nothing but high heels and a training bra (to the great amusement of the gathered manmores) or by lying face down on the floor of his hobbit-hole while tearfully and repetitively reciting the lyrics of Randy Newman's unforgettably unsurpassable smash hit Short People.
Amanda: Manlet detected - why is that sobbing and diminutively dwarfed little sadlet sprinting half-naked through the park over there? Melanie: The Napoleon complex psychosis suffering sissy boy was making a fool of himself on the basketball court, so the masculine manmores stuffed him into the hoop and now the midget monstrosity is scuttling back to his hobbit-hole. Amanda: Manlets BTFO. Hahahahaha! Melanie: Manlets, when will they learn?
by ManletDepreciator August 30, 2024