Conversely known as "Neurological Environmental Displacement Syndrome", N.E.D.S. is characterized by a non-lethal state of mental activity in which the subject(s) in question receives frequent, sometimes disturbing, flashbacks, memories, nostalgic relapses, or other strong feelings associated with being a place or being in that place. The variety of atmopsheres felt by the person can vastly differ in scale; from room-room, continent-continent, or even universe-universe. What most likely causes N.E.D.S. are the associative bonds formed with a particular biome, location, building, etc., being triggered by a surrounding factor (mostly a result of the sense of sight). Many causes of the knowledge of these places can vary from having been there, learning much about it at a young age, having played a video game/read a book/watched a movie, etc. Many report the feelings they get to be nostalgic more than depressing. The feelings are not hallucinations nor do they overtake a person. They come about most often naturally when a person is in deep thought. The overall feeling they receive from either experience or knowledge of that place overwhelms them, and a strong desire to visit that place fills them. N.E.D.S. is felt by every sentient being, no matter on what scale. The feeling someone has for a certain place may change greatly over time, depending upon the distance away, time apart, and connection to it. N.E.D.S. is only curable through death or a loss of mental activity.
I was sitting in my living room thinking to myself when all of a sudden feelings of the desert welled up inside of me. I have never been to the desert, but I have seen many movies and played many games containing it. I now may take a charter flighrt so South Sudan to fulfill this gaping hole in my very consciousness. It may be N.E.D.S.
by UrbanMasterBait April 4, 2017
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