A person with the name Mydear can be sure about being pretty. Not just pretty about her face and body, most at all, what this person carry’s everyday inside with her. A golden character and a heart, that shoes love. Mydear’s love drinking coffee and using the full day, starting with an early breakfast. This person knows how to use the day.
Me: are you bored?

You: Yeah, I really don't know what to do!

Me: Ask Mydear if she has time for you.

Time passed ...

You: Damn it, I never knew how to make the most of a day !!
by The Boy with the Cap November 23, 2021
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A person with the name Mydear can be sure about being pretty. Not just pretty about her face and body, most at all, what this person carry’s everyday inside with her. A golden character and a heart, that shoes love. Mydear’s love drinking coffee and using the full day, starting with an early breakfast. This person knows how to use the day.
Me: are you bored?

You: Yeah, I really don't know what to do!

Me: Ask Mydear if she has time for you.

Time passed ...

You: Damn it, I never knew how to make the most of a day !!
by The Boy with the Cap November 23, 2021
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