This ain't no butterfly, however, quite graceful. You can find the Monarch_OTS somewhere in the Caribbean Sea, on the "Party Bus" having a cock-fight or shooting a few tootsoonies and moofoomoofoos in Call of Duty 4. The Monarch's skills have been honed for several years taught by the sling-shot-buddha-guru himself, Zio Vincenzo, dating back to his first headshot... when he nailed the retarded kid in the ear when he was walking with his mom...and the kid got in shit for crying!! ..what a disgraziato!!

Weapons of preference: AK-47 w/silencer, Canon SLR Digital Camera w/optical zoom and RPG + Grenade Launcher.
Keep the bazookas away from the Monarch_OTS

WATCH OUT!! ..Monarch_OTS has got a sling-shot!!

Don't tell Monarch_OTS we have the PARTY BUS!! ..what a finocchio!
by Tootsoonie2 June 12, 2008
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