mil-len-ee-uh l-skair-ee

When a Millennial finds something to be extremely scary but which any other Generation would find only to be tame by comparison.

Only Millennial's would find it Scary.
I watched "Hereditary" with my 22yr old Nephew. His friend claimed it was the scariest movie of all time.
As a GenX'er I didn't find it at all scary! This is what I now call "Millennial Scary".

"You think that's scary? That's just fuckin' Millennial Scary! Try watching the original 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre in a dingy Dusk till Dawn Grindhouse theater while Drunken Bikers throw empty beer bottles over your head! and sicko perverts in the row behind you jerkoff to the screen that's what I call fuckin' SCARY"
by Dr.Cyclopz September 14, 2018
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