Derives from the spanish language and often used as slang.
Mija is shorted from 'mi hija'. Which means my daughter.
It is the same for males. 'mi hijo', mijo.

It is not only used to refer to your children though, people use it referring to their homies, thier lady or their man.
B/f to g/f: Did you have a good time last night mija?

Father to daughter: Mija where'd you go last night?
by Valeria August 14, 2004
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"Mija" is short for "mi hija" which is Spanish for "my daughter"

Used to refer to your children.

Mija can also be used as slang between close friends, homies, etc, male to female.

Used between couples as well.

It can also be used to offend a male friend. It would be the equivalent of calling him a pussy.
1. "Mi hija is beautiful."

2. Male friend to female friend>>> "Hows it going, mija?"

3. Mario to Peach>>> "Wanna go out tonight, mija?"

4. Luis to Jose>>> "Whats up, mija?"
by Omaña January 22, 2011
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Mexican word
Could be used by a guy calling his girl mija like baby

by a parent to his daughter mijo for males
by yea March 4, 2004
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short for mi hija, which means "my daughter" but can also be used as slang between female friends as "girl, friend, etc."
¿Hola, mija, que onda?
Hey girl, what's happening?
by taina March 30, 2004
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Mija is a predator that hunts little children in a small village of Croatia.

Mija is silent and nobody can see him in the tall grass. Watch out kids.
Me: Watch out, it's Mijaaa.
by Mija112 September 27, 2018
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¿Como estas, mija?

How are you, dear?
by MelindaStar March 14, 2016
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Mija is a caring, amazing, and lovely person. She puts people before herself and cares for them as if they are family. She is gentle and shy, she is also talented in more ways then one. Mija is a very bright person and isn’t afraid to show it. Mija is a very cuddly person, and enjoys attention. Her jokes can be funny and sexual at the same time. She has a very soft heart, she will help out in any way she can if a person is in need. Mija is a great friend and is always there for her friends. She can be ruthless if you get on her bad side, but it takes a lot to push her over the edge. If you meet a Mija don’t let her go, you’ll regret it.
Girl1 “MIJA is so sweet”
Girl2 “ I know, she stayed after school to help me with my homework”
Girl1 “ she’s amazing”
by Ivichivgvih November 15, 2018
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