A rare card air troop in clash royale that is considered armored and powerful. It's 3 elixir and it's very good in defense, like it can kill the mini pekka and valkyrie before they hit the crown tower, it can one shot the princess, archers, firecracker . Also this card has moderate hp that it can survive poison, arrows, fireball. It's range isn't long so he can get countered easily
Mega Minion is a good card in clash royale, but it's underrated.
by RandomGuyIsCool November 17, 2022
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Literally better than the Minions for the exact same price. Great at taking out tanks/mini tanks and can kill weak anti-airs like the Magic Archer. Kinda slow though. This can take out a Pekka with enough time and distraction.
Person 1: I’m gonna place a Pekka!
Person 2: Ooh no whatever will I do?(Places Mega Minion)
by Akaudi7 July 2, 2021
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