An affliction that effects less than -002% of the population . The disease is categorized as an untreatable mental illness that drives those who suffer to eat nearly all the marshmallows in breakfast cereal before the box is even close to being finished. In addition to the compulsion of engaging in the act of the removal the person suffering also gets an unnatural feeling of access mplishment knowing others have almost none of the added marshmallows. Although discovered by those who were taking Luvky Charms it also applies to Frankenberry Count Chocula Crunchberrys by Cap’n Crunch or any other cereal that had an additive other than the standard oats or grains that made the product more desirable and defined the product to the consumer while in most cases was the sole purpose of the cereal
We just bought this box of Lucky Charms and It appears we may have a marshlomaniac among us since the box has almost no charms.
by Jth11 February 13, 2019
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