Madeniyyah is someone that sees beyond what is projected. Open minded, Considerate, Kind, loveable and Approachable. Oozes with emense contentment. Humble and Most Forgiving. She definitely has a way around people whether they're homeless or Privileged, she can definitely keep up a good conversation. She comes off as a shy Introvert at first. She hardly starts conversations, but if she does it has to be revelent. She dislikes small talks. She's Sincere & Honest in everything that she does. She feels what other people are feeling. She's one that never makes a person feel Invalided at any cost. VERY low maintenance female indeed. Spontaneous? Is an understatement. She loves being on the go but at the same time she prefers her personal space . Marriage material, definitely. She knows how to please her man from the kitchen to the bedroom.
She is truly an all rounder. Morning person? Maybe... It depends on how she wakes up. She always wants to be right. Stubborn? Sometimes yes! She definitely knows how to cut off people that's irrelevant to her life. She's very observant. She's Quick to Lend a helping hand. She's an overthinker.
I (Made) (Niyyah) to marry you.
I made intentions to marry you.
by MadinaInst. November 23, 2021
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