There’s probably that one mf. They’re probably not popular and they’re quiet and shy. You might only know their first name but other than that and maybe their last name you don’t know anything about them. And yet you have mad feelings for them. You’ll look at them every once and awhile but you don’t want to look creepy or suspicious. Y’all have only spoken once, and when y’all did talk it was probably awkward and brief. And yet when you talked to them, your face turned as red as a tomato. You then realize that this person is adorable and also hot as hell. You want to make a move but you are also intimidated. The semester ends or they switch classes, and you realize that you’ll never see this person again in your life and that you fumbled the bag.
Brad: I fumbled the bag with that Jennifer girl. She was so fine but she was as quiet as a mouse. She’s now dating a new mf.

Chad: You had a lowkey crush on her. She was probably into you but you didn’t even say hi to her all semester. You def fumbled brother.
by Chad Chett January 31, 2022
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