A person who is considered to be in the lower half of the social ladder and in the teenage demographic population. They are often popular at school and good at sports and good-looking but when it comes to GCSEs they do not perform highly. Favourite activities of a loolsers are defined as going on MSN and facebook and seeing their statuses. Loolsers tend to have low IQs hence they do not study hard enough. Also loosers will frequently have low standards and be pleased with achieving "sick grades and going to college". Loolsish A levels consist of :psychology (because you want to be deep) P.e. (cos its sick) and philosohpy (because you think you are clever)
Loolsers often spend more time enjoying themselves than studying which is frowned upon by the quintessentially english emo children and snotty asians.
Favourite comments of a loolser are:
"sick one blud"
"come jam with me"
"im so urban"
by Fannypacking October 17, 2009
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