A girl with lots of wonderful thoughts that will share anything with you. Will keep a secret safe regardless of how good it may be. Will always try to cheer you up even when she may be feeling down too. She's always a great friend to anyone
She's the friend you can lean on no matter what

Suffering in her life has caused a spot of permanant sadness in his eyes, but they shine bright when he smiles.

Medium in stature, large in heart. Most likely will have very soft hair and soft hands.
Licelle is the best friend I can always have. I love you.
by erckajne September 7, 2019
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A person with great sense of humor. She loves to make everyone smile despite of her feelings. She's the type of person you can get along with. A supportive friend and a great advicer who is always there anytime and anywhere. She's cute and passionate. Things may not go her way always but she is always positive minded. You will be very greatful to have her as a friend.
Licelle is a great person
by erckajne September 7, 2019
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