This phrase is a reference to the commonly used phrase “Let’s Just Be Friends”, which is primarily used by women towards men. This counter-framing of the dynamic rejects the “LJBF” frame, and instead asserts that you are not interested in a relationship that excludes romance/sex. It is most effective when it is stated, and immediately followed by total silence, sometimes called “ghosting.” If you do not immediately counter their reframing of your relationship and separate from all contact, you are most certainly guaranteed endless pain and agony as you continue to communicate with someone who is using you on their terms. Their motives are attention and validation, and they are exploiting your romantic feelings and desire for them, with no intention of ever reciprocating. Rather than doing the dignified thing and leaving you alone, they are stroking their ego and desperate need for attention at any cost.
“I’m sorry Michael, but I don’t like you like that. I think you’re a great guy and you’ll make someone happy someday. You’re a really good friend, you’re like, probably my BEST friend, so Let’s Just Be Friends.”

Oh okay, I see what this is. I agree, we have no romantic future then, so Let’s Just Be Strangers.” *blocks, deletes number, never talks to her again*
by October 16, 2022
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