Describes a phenomenon where popular comedy-based websites that were once funny for everyone get taken over by leftist admins, and cease to be funny for anyone not on the far-left of the political spectrum. The archetypal example is Typically, the wealthy leftist admins will choose to be completely oblivious to massive popular displays of disapproval from readers about the direction in which the website is headed (such as disapproving comments in comment sections, large dislike-to-like ratios,etc.). After all, who cares about the opinions of plebs? They're just too stupid to understand that cultural Marxism is in their best interest.

This should not be confused with websites that were always leftist, such as The Onion.
Man, urbandictionary used to be funny, but now the admins only approve or front-page political definitions if they espouse socialism, black supremacy, and third-wave feminism. Total leftist appropriation!
by arrgitsasnake October 23, 2016
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