Ugly and a terrifying fatass that blows his money on stupid things he don’t need instead of managing his money and paying bills first. Literally looks like the Oregon Ducks mascot. He’s also unfit to be a parent since his way of discipline is an old 80’s or 90’s fashion kid’s butt spanking. (Child Protection Services was called on him before at least 7 times.) He is the biggest hypocritical man child out there. When he’s rages really hard in a video game he throws a hissy fit and chucks the controller across the room and end up breaking the controller and putting a hole in the wall. What’s funny is he can’t sustain a normal relationship with McKenzie and controls other people’s relationships like Ghost’s and Lizzy’s. Kyle is also referred as “Legacy Storms” or “Butthurt Lord”.
Kyle Gray a.k.a. Legacy Storms got so butthurt when we exposed him for blowing his money on a new gaming pc from rent-a-center and only paid half of it. P.S. he will probably not have enough money to pay the other half because he blew his other half of the money on something stupid like a new TV and Xbox.
by QwertyTwinkleToes January 2, 2023
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