A dance where the hips move back and forth and the hands follow, popular in the Congo in the 1980s.
Matt: "Dude, is Kevin having a seizure?"
Sam: "Naw. Kevin kan Kwassa Kwassa"
by Hijazishubbie June 8, 2010
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An awesome song by Vampire Weekend, but no one knows what it means exactly.. I searched 'cape cod' on UrbanDictionary and there's a whole story and I'm too lazy to read it so if you wanna know what one part means, UrbanDictionary it!
he: Have you heard that awesome song by Vampire Weekend? It goed like 'is your bed made, is your sweater on, do you wanna fuck, like you know I do?'

she: Yeah, that's Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa!
by al0hafromhell_ December 24, 2011
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