The small island country located 30 miles southwest of the Phillipines. President Koko and Luley. The capital is Kreplachistan City and there are NO asians located on this island. The most polulated of the Cities is Nutsac Village.

**For Reservations Call: 1-888-Kreplach
Dag yo! Im stoked for spring break. Me n my crew r hittin up the beaches of Kreplachistan!!
by Koko May 9, 2003
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pays inventé par nicolas couzelin, français de 78 ans et de pierrick petit 94 ans ( deceased ) et utilisé en cas de crise de meconnaissances
quel est le pays proche du pakistan?
REPONSE: (l'interlocuteur l'ignore )le KREPLACHISTAN.
by NICOLAS COUZELIN July 22, 2003
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