A person who has such a big man-crush on Kobe Bryant that it borders on homosexual love. To a kobosexual, Kobe can do no wrong in their eyes. A kobosexual will spam the ESPN message boards with "Kobe is God" threads whenever he drops 50 points, but will remain relatively hush when he has one of his 7-for-24 shooting nights. If somebody criticizes Kobe for his off-game, a kobosexual will resort to name-calling and to defend their hero, while posting meaningless stats of his past accolades; sometimes they will report the person who bashed Kobe to the board-moderator to be banned.
Shakerz: lol @ Chokie Cryant chucking his team to another loss.

Kobe2k8MVP: Kobe still has more rings than the LeChoker.

Shakerz: What has he done without Shaq? Two first round exits?

Kobe2k8MVP: He scored 81 points! He also scored 62 poitns in 3 quarters!


Shakerz: Stop being a kobosexual.
by Laker-hater December 4, 2007
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