Born: 4th of June 1738
Reigned: 1760 - 1820
Died: 1820
His reign marked thew loss of the American Colonies. After the Boston Tea Party in 1773.
He also created the Buckingham Palace and the English word sandwich during a game of cards.
After the death of French king Louise the XVI George worried that he was next this drove him to the point of insanity and also made him blind.
His son George IV of England ran as regent as his father recovered from his illness.
Eventually the king returned to normal but he was still blind.
Later 60 years into his reign he died.
Reigned: 1760 - 1820
Died: 1820
His reign marked thew loss of the American Colonies. After the Boston Tea Party in 1773.
He also created the Buckingham Palace and the English word sandwich during a game of cards.
After the death of French king Louise the XVI George worried that he was next this drove him to the point of insanity and also made him blind.
His son George IV of England ran as regent as his father recovered from his illness.
Eventually the king returned to normal but he was still blind.
Later 60 years into his reign he died.
by CoolMintman11 February 10, 2021