he's the best friend anyone can ask for. you will feel very comfortable around him. he makes you feel like you can be yourself fearlessly when you're with him. you can make all the stupid jokes you have and he will laugh at them no matter how unfunny they are. you can tell him about every little problem in your life and he will still care about them and try to help you. he's so funny like it's unbelievable so it's always so fun to be around him no matter what he's going through or what you're going through. he will make you feel important and loved even when he's not so comfortable to share his feelings. he's great and we are all so lucky to know the kürşats we have in our lives. he's the best. ok I'm gonna cry now.
omg look at Kürşat's beard. he looks like he just got out of the bozkurt ocakları
by heyzıl November 21, 2021
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