The filmmaker from New York City known for his exceptional quality of content despite the off the cuff nature in which it is created. He first received notable attention from international media in 2012, following his footage of the destruction of his family’s Long Island property during Hurricane Sandy. The attention came in great part due to the hilarious and candid commentary of John Mateer and his family.

He was at the center of mass media attention again in 2015 following the controversial assault that took place at Penn State University. During this conflict, Mateer was assaulted by Matthew Chandlee. Chandlee was directing homophobic slurs toward Mateer during the assault, sparking a national discussion about hate crime laws and who should and should not be protected by them — as LGBT people are not covered by them in the state of Pennsylvania where the assault took place, and this resulted in no hate crime charge against Chandlee.

Chandlee spent a month in prison for his crimes against Mateer.
Have you ever seen a film by John Mateer?”
by Franknfutsy83 July 1, 2022
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