A George and Jimmy ball is a tennis ball that has two holes cut in it, so that two men can put their penises in it at the same time.
Person 1: Hey guess what I saw Daniel doing!
Person 2: What?
Person 1: He was using his George and Jimmy Ball with his brother and I walked in on it! It was more disgusting then that time i saw you giving that chick a hot carl!
Person 2: Dude, that's not cool.
by Paul Garza February 6, 2007
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A man named Jimmy with huge balls. Balls so big that he rides a stripped down Dyna to Texas by himself. He survives on Jagermeister and gas station pastries.

He's known to piss on electric fences and howl at the moon while shooting his gun into the night sky.
by Monkeys dad May 8, 2017
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