You call it a "Janswer" when a person reacts with simple phrases with "I know" or "Thats not even possible" to a joke or a rhetorical question. Janswering is a simple way to piss off your friends and other people around you.
Janswering is often used to skip a conversation. A person which wants to skip your intput and start a new conversation theme would often use a janswer and instantly start a new theme.
An example for janswering ist this simple case:
p1: "did u hear of the flying horses?"
p2: "yes" ...starts his own conversation
by Gianluggy July 4, 2021
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In response to a question, a dribbling response that does not have proper subject verb agreements, often misuses words, and never actually answers the question.
Well that’s a Janswer.

Q: Anyone know if the power is back on?

A: Many say posts are sensored.
by Moomops June 17, 2023
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