IsntTragic is a HR in Kavra’s Kingdom, he’s also known as Jay. He used to be called random1234577 and TrxgicCloudz. He’s well known for his professionalism in game and some people also say that he should be a proxy one day.
Have you heard of IsntTragic?
Oh yeah, that knight?
Oh him, he should be a proxy one day!
Yes definitely!
by me yes December 23, 2020
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This person called IsntTragic is the best person! He is so kind and so nice. He was also known as, TrxgicCloudz. He is a Knight at Kavra’s Kingdom. He is also the co-owner of Games nights which is owned by 8ucys. He has so many best friends like, KawaiiiiRat, 8ucys, 8oses, and more. He is also soon to be a Helper. He takes his job in Kavra’s Kingdom kinda seriously. He is such a role model.
I believe that IsntTragic should be a proxy since he so kind and fair to everybody.
by Unknown Human... December 27, 2021
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