It is a song performed by a band called "The Fray", it is a very touching song for a lot of people it can make you feel happy,sad,miserable,inspiring...
I was listening to how to save a life and it made me feel sad...
by 3plus3equal6 March 11, 2008
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a song that goes something like this

u u stare right in through some window to Ur right as he goes left u stay right between the lines of fear and blame u behind to wonder why u came
where did I go wrong I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness and I would've stayed up with u all night if I knew how to save a life. There is more lyrics but u can't remember the rest of them
random person: Searches up how to save a life on urban dictionary for some reason
random person: wait I never knew that was a song
by random sad human December 21, 2022
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