High-Top Fade

One of the coolest haircuts of all time. Made famous by Big Daddy Kane and Kid from Kid N' Play in the late 80's. Shaved on the bottom then fades to long hair that goes inches above the head. Looks like your heads an eraser.
"Yesterday, I got the freshest haircut, the High-Top Fade".

"I'm having a little trouble getting through low doors because my High-Top Fade always gets in the way."
by Joe December 3, 2004
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high-top fade

A hi-top fade is a style of haircut where hair on the sides is cut off or kept very low and hair on the top of the head is very long (in contrast, a low fade is when hair on the top is kept shorter). The hi-top has been a trend symbolizing the Golden Era of Hip Hop and urban contemporary music during the late 1980s and the early 1990s.
kid n play
will smith both wore high-top fades
by urban dictionary450000 September 11, 2008
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