15 plus year old anti-sexy ugly pajamas worn by my wife closely resembling the attire of a grandma. Grajamas are ALWAYS loose fitting pants accompanied by a matching shirt, covering 93% of the female form, bearing one or two holes in the collar, which may/may not possess a tease of lace around the ends of the sleeves/pant ankles. When a girl dawns her grajamas, it usually means she is going to crawl into bed alone, watch the Bachelor, and have an all night affair with her iPhone, thus signaling her man isn't going to get laid anytime soon. It is important to know that MOST women do not recognize that they wear/own grajamas and once confronted with this fact, they immediately go into a defensive posture arguing that the garments are too comfortable to be thrown away.
After we put the kids to bed, I thought she was going to change into her lingerie, only to find out she slipped into her grajamas , crawled into bed, eased into her nightly compulsion of social media updates, thus indicating the fun box is closed for the evening.
by Renegade31A March 16, 2016
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