1) A manga by Sorachi Hideaki, which takes place the a twisted past of Edo, Japan where aliens invade and cause a jump in technology by a sheer 3000-4000 years.
Follows the story of Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura (with obvious side stories). A rather whimsical adventure where irony is the plot. In a general opinion, it is a nice change from all the "romantic" and "over-actionious" pace every other manga seems to have taken.
Also the author makes several various (and quite frankly hilarious) omakes.
*Is currently being scanalated by the Yanime Group.
2) Translates out to "Silver Soul" though can be mistaken for "Silver Balls".
Follows the story of Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura (with obvious side stories). A rather whimsical adventure where irony is the plot. In a general opinion, it is a nice change from all the "romantic" and "over-actionious" pace every other manga seems to have taken.
Also the author makes several various (and quite frankly hilarious) omakes.
*Is currently being scanalated by the Yanime Group.
2) Translates out to "Silver Soul" though can be mistaken for "Silver Balls".
Gintoki: "I'll urinate them a nice 'Thank you'."
Kagura: "All right, I'll vomit!"
Shinpachi: "Don't make little terrorist attacks of your own!"
~Chapter 7 - Once you make a promise, Keep it until you die!
Kagura: "All right, I'll vomit!"
Shinpachi: "Don't make little terrorist attacks of your own!"
~Chapter 7 - Once you make a promise, Keep it until you die!
by 33Arsenic June 27, 2005