ghostalgia n. (ghost + Gr. algos, pain, grief, distress; cf. nostalgia) Ð a mystical longing or wistful affection for ghosts, angels, miracles, aliens, and other otherworldy characters and mysterious phenomena.
Ghostalgia is a form of nostalgia in that we experience the other world as our genuine lost home.

I am agnostic, but sometimes I feel ghostalgic.

On the eve of deep historical crises, ghostalgia can grip the souls of entire nations.
by Mikhail Epstein November 15, 2003
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A sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period or place with happy or sad personal associations that has never been experienced before.
-That movie “Dazed and Confused” got me nostalgic
-Dude, you were born in 2000
-Oh, bonkers, I am having a ghostalgia
by Deepvice June 15, 2022
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