When a person has been trolled, however after the original troll stops, that person continues to respond negatively, as if they were still being trolled.
Example of Ghost Trolling

Troll: -Says something vaguely trolling to another person-
Person 1: -Responds negatively to that person-
Troll leaves.
20 minutes pass.
Person 1: -Continues insulting the troll, even though he has left.-
by zaixionito May 19, 2011
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When ur trolling someone then forget after a few min & start talking to someone else bc ur baked so u don’t finish the first convo & they think ur ghosting them
BF: BAE why didn’t you respond wth?!

GF: Sorry BAE didn’t mean to ghost u just troll u guess it’s a ghost troll now
by Bratarle June 16, 2020
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