Magical creatures of the night that fly into the ghettos of the world and clean them up. Also see ghetto fairies
Child: "Mommy mommy! I think we were visited by a ghetto fairy last night!"
Mom: "Oh you silly little kids and yo imaginations and what not. Ghetto Fairies don't really exist."
(But they do)
by UnicornLovingCracker July 31, 2011
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A group or individuals that both either/or graffiti on trees and/or attach fairy doors or paraphernalia to trees.

Graffiti - usually teens to twenties
Fairy Doors Etc - usually parents of primary school age.
Gee, how disappointing. This Reserve is turning into a "Ghetto Fairy" park!
by Calli the Cockatoo November 3, 2021
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The people that have damaged trees, by tagging with graffiti (usually in their teens - twenties) and/or Fairy Doors/Paraphernalia (usually primary school children being encouraged by parents) attached by glue, staples, nails or screws.
Gee this is bad....the areas looking like a "Fairy Ghetto."
by Calli the Cockatoo November 3, 2021
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