To stylishly and skillfully dominate over your opponent. You read them like a book. You outplayed them. They got fuckin mixed.
It comes from the fighting game terminology ''Mix Up'' , which is to break through your opponent's defense with a verity of offensive options.
It comes from the fighting game terminology ''Mix Up'' , which is to break through your opponent's defense with a verity of offensive options.
by JP21FG December 17, 2021
When you want to put someone in their place by fighting them or showing them who's boss. Asserting your dominance by any means necessary.
Person 1: Yo Dude, Why are those kids messing with you?
Person 2: Because they are trolling me in fortnite.
Person 3: Yo those kids need to fucking Get Mixed.
Person 2: Because they are trolling me in fortnite.
Person 3: Yo those kids need to fucking Get Mixed.
by DJDopeTope July 27, 2021
by im glenjamin December 4, 2006