Garazi is a beautiful Basque name from a little place between Spain and France
She's my friend Garazi.
by garawalls November 25, 2021
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noun- feminine term for wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man/ universal term for both domestic and foreign pain in the buttocks/a paradoxical creature comprised of great love and ferociousness- like God works in mysterious ways
I was bed-ridden for weeks with a bad garazi, first in Mexico then at home.

There is a surplus of garazis at the wacky waving inflatable tube man rental headquarters.

For some reason I felt great affection when she berated me so viciously, that woman's a garazi if I've ever known one.
by R.P.H December 29, 2011
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feminine name, respectful who cares for others, well-mannered and good hearted that likes travelling and being good at what she does. Doesn't have hate feelings towards no one plus very generous and forgives too easily, very emotional.
I wish Garazi was my friend, she's such a good soul
by notrealnames November 22, 2021
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