When you gain several twitter followers from having absolutely no talent or reason for having so many followers, for example going online and paying lots of money for twitter followers, buying twitter accounts off of others which already have several hundred-thousand followers, or going online and completing lots of surveys which require lots of extremely personal information to get more followers.
Aquafina: OMG Evian, you know that ratchet girl in my chem class, Dasani? Well Fiji told me that she gain tweets once a month. Last week she bought an account with 300,000 followers for $89,000 bucks!

Evian: OMG I never liked that girl anyway, lol
Aquafina: Omg Evian shut up you're so young, never say lol again, thats like cool slang for like third graders.
Evian: sorry aquafina
Aquafina: it's okay, evian
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