The study of men who display narcissistic tendencies coupled with their inability to commit to one woman at a time. Women who are highly knowledgeable of said "fuckboy" traits are usually past victims or schooled by other knowledgeable (most time older) women and men on what not to accept from these types of men. This group of women therefore would be considered experts of fuckboyanomics.
Vette: Girl, he called me three days later after we hooked up.

Tish: Didn't I tell you when he hit your dm after posting several chicks on his page within a two month span that he was a fuckboy?

Vette: Yea, I know but girl he so fine.

Tish: You know what. You never listen now look at you. See, I'm on my way over there to school you in fuckboyanomics. You're going to listen to me next time.
by LadyTish MissGoGetta June 24, 2018
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