phonetically: Fla : pronounced like it is in Flakansed, Kan: where its like the Kan in Flakansed, and Sed: as used in Flakansed.
Can sometimes be spelled phlakansed, or flakaaaansed.
Singlish derogatory slang used to be exceedingly wasted, debauched and totally intoxicated, or even completely off your face drunk, for extended amounts of time. Strongly associated with Large inter-school sporting events such as the Big match between Royal college (wull) and St Thomas' college.
Person A: the big match???
Person B: Flakaaaaaaaansed mayan!!!!
Person A: Flakansed???
Person B: Flakaaaansed!!
Person A: Machaaaaang!!!
by herratio T S March 30, 2010
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