The orignal Cyuza was a no life minecrafter with HORRENDOUS WIFI 1kbph, but the Evolved Cyuza now has a variety of games he plays. Such as fortnite, minecraft and splonky. He is still very much a simp, and both he and his girlfriend will hurt u if u insult them(personal experience). AND HES GETTING GOOD WIFI. IKR I DONT EVEN BELIVE IT. You may be thinking he must be upgrading his whole setup but no. When a Evolved Cyuza is cranking 90s in fn it still sounds like hes in a factory. When one finds a wild Evolved Cyuza in nature make sure to pull out ur tourist camera bc its such a rare sight.

Tips if one finds a wild Evolved Cyuza:

1. Dont insult else u might be around for as long as u thought.

2. If one begs for ++ he will eventualy give it to you

3. If one wants a free hypixel rank just f add Cyuza
Stranger: calls Evolved Cyuza marshy
Evolved Cyuza Gf: dms stranger u have 1 day to live
by TheReälUrbanDictionary March 21, 2022
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