An Enisa's simp is a person with no life whatsoever, in other words, complete losers. Be aware that they are easily offended and are always ready to defend their queen. If you want to identify an Enisa's simp you can simply say "Enisa är fet" and they will instantly start licking her feet telling her not to feel bad about herself and that she is a queen.

You can find wild specimens at Enisa's discord server. Their hobbies, besides licking Enisa's feet are getting off to the rules of the discord and making sure everyone knows the rules, long story short, complete losers.
If you are a girl you should be careful, even though they are adults when they see other females they evolve into SIMPS regardless of the age of the female they are simping to.
They are also know to be extremely cringe, you might hear stuff like "SUSSY BAKA" and "That's kinda sus" coming from them, just as a reminder, they are adults.
Kermit and Kim are Enisa's Simps
by Darknight9114 July 17, 2021
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