Refers most often to Web Sluts and Exposed Faggots who have become sexually involved with online activities to the point that their ability to achieve orgasm is directly tied into the internet. This can take different forms such as:
•By Exposing themselves or Being Exposed
•Through completing Tasks or Dares
•By Being under the control of an online Master
•By showing off on Webcam broadcast
•Using Hypno/Training/Brainwashing Files
•After prolonged Goonbater sessions
•Reading thirst messages/comments connected to their pics/vids they have posted on XXX sites (Pornhub, Xhamster, thisvid, xvideos, Bdsmlr, newTumbl, ImageFap, FetLife, Reddit, nsfw Twitter, Anon-V, Toplosers, ExposedFun, GetDare, 4chan, Doxbin, Motherless, Absolutely.Exposed, etc.)
•While scrolling through your own humiliating indexed search results through Google or other search engines
•Includes but is not limited to accidentally or unexpectedly busting a nutt spontaneously any time you're wearing headphones and listening to Corpse Husband's narrations, gameplay, and/or any of his songs.
Closely related to Online Exposure, Exposed Faggots, Exposure Whore, Web Sluts
•By Exposing themselves or Being Exposed
•Through completing Tasks or Dares
•By Being under the control of an online Master
•By showing off on Webcam broadcast
•Using Hypno/Training/Brainwashing Files
•After prolonged Goonbater sessions
•Reading thirst messages/comments connected to their pics/vids they have posted on XXX sites (Pornhub, Xhamster, thisvid, xvideos, Bdsmlr, newTumbl, ImageFap, FetLife, Reddit, nsfw Twitter, Anon-V, Toplosers, ExposedFun, GetDare, 4chan, Doxbin, Motherless, Absolutely.Exposed, etc.)
•While scrolling through your own humiliating indexed search results through Google or other search engines
•Includes but is not limited to accidentally or unexpectedly busting a nutt spontaneously any time you're wearing headphones and listening to Corpse Husband's narrations, gameplay, and/or any of his songs.
Closely related to Online Exposure, Exposed Faggots, Exposure Whore, Web Sluts
•Ive spent so much time jerkin off while exposing my faggot ass as a sissy to strangers online and now I'm a total E-Fetishist cuz I can cum if I'm not on the Internet.
•Not only have I modernized my financial portfolio by switching my investments to crypto but Ive done the same with my sex life. As an
E-Fetishist all my kinks have been Incorporated into the World Wide Web.
•Not only have I modernized my financial portfolio by switching my investments to crypto but Ive done the same with my sex life. As an
E-Fetishist all my kinks have been Incorporated into the World Wide Web.
by FaggotJustinExposed December 8, 2021